Social media operation, digital marketing

Xin*** ***** (XX años)
Intern Growth& Content Operation, en MarTechApe
Universidad de Carlos III
Intern Growth& Content Operation,
dic 2020 - mar 2021
•	Edited articles related to Data Analysis, Digital Marketing and Growth Marketing, making them fit the Red Book style and achieved about 40,000 reads during 4 weeks;
•	Tracked the Weibo traffic flow and provided internal reports regular; 
•	Standardized the content for Weibo&Website; Optimized weekly summary metrics;
M.S. in Tourism Management,
Universidad de Carlos III
Majors: Marketing; Brand Management, Entrepreneurship and creation of tourism enterprises; Management of heritage& natural resources; Cultural heritage legislation; Overall GPA: 8.2 (10)  

Project ‘Destination Strategic Planning for Yixing’: be a “pusher” in team, developed a project management plan; be responsible for Swot and segmentation analysis; Integrated the final report (45 page);
Spanish - C1
English - Intermediate
Chineses - Native
Otros datos
Experience We-media
We-media Experience                                                                                                                          2021            
•	Authored 48 post about Spanish slang words and phrases based on user prototype in Redbook and achieved 1111 likes and 604 fans in two months; Launched 2 free classes online sharing Spanish grammar oriented to fans to animate and strengthen the relationship between Subscribers and me;
•	Translated 4 videos about commercials videos in one month, with about 5,000 views.
Community management Experience- Project ‘Wind Education online community’                   2021                                                                    
•	Born in the context of the epidemic and with the aim of developing community co-learning, our project has launched 5 online co-learning activities for a total cumulative duration of 19 weeks, based on our community (142 members in WeChat group now). 
•	Managed social media: Weibo and Tiktok; Created content related to the theme of the courses