Sdet / quality assurance engineer

Ann*** *****
SDET en Intabella
ago 2022 - Actualmente
· Joined and actively participating Sprint Deliverables such as Sprint Planning Meeting, Daily Stand-Up Meeting, Sprint Review Meeting, Sprint Retrospective, and Sprint Demos.
·Worked with Agile Testing Methodology and Scrum Ceremonies.
· Participated and contributed in writing Test Cases, Test Scenarios and Features for BDD (Behavior-Driven Development) and TDD (Test-Driven Development) using Cucumber with Gherkin language. 
· Used Jira for bug tracking and test case management, Git for version control, GitHub for managing repositories and Jenkins for continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD).
· Worked with relational Databases using Java, JDBC, AWS cloud server, and SQL Queries.
· Performed Regression Testing, Smoke Testing, Positive and Negative Testing.
· Experienced with SDLC and STLC.
· Worked with testing Client-Server Software and Web-based applications using core Java, OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) concepts to make the code more structured and easy to understand as well as to increase its reusability, Selenium WebDriver, JUnit and Maven. 
· Worked with API using Postman platform for manual testing, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE methods and REST Assured library for automation test. 
· Experienced in using Extent-Reports, HTML reports and Cucumber JSON reports. 
· Experienced in development of Hybrid Framework by using Selenium WebDriver, Page Object Model (POM) Design Pattern with Maven. 
· Experienced in both Manual/Automation and Functional Testing.
Ingles - Bilingual
Espanol - Profesional
Turco - Elementaria
Tagalog - Bilingual
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