Junior engineer

Nur*** *****
Researcher Assistant en UC3M
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Researcher Assistant
sep 2017 - jun 2020
I am assisting in the development of a Conversational Agent called JavaPal with the aim of helping students from Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in finishing a Java programming course. Besides, an Agile methodology has been used. As a result of this development, I have gone on to participate in one published paper and another in the revision process. During my first year, I also developed an explanatory document of some educational mobile apps and I have translated the aforementioned online course from Spanish to English
ene 2016 - sep 2017
I was in charge of the user service, searching for information, management of bibliographic archives and study rooms management. During this time, I was able to learn more about teamwork and I acquired some new skills to communicate with people and deal with their problems. Finally, my co-workers and I developed a new and more efficient way of sharing some material in order to decrease the waiting time of the students in the library.
2014 - 2015
During these years I have participated in some voluntary work with different objectives. I have been controlling the access and people´s movements within a stadium along with an international team of different ages. In addition, I assisted an international team throughout the competition and I participated in the animation part of an event.
No company
I tutored students in different subjects from elementary school to university. Some of those subjects were Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Python programming, Statistics and High Frequency Circuits. I have also been teaching Spanish to a foreign woman in a non-profit organization named YMCA voluntarily.
Doble máster de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación e Ingeniería Telemática
I am currently doing a Double Masters Degree in Telecommunications Engineering and Telematics Engineering in Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M). I have already completed a Bachelors degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering.
Volunteering courses
FIBA, Comunidad de Madrid
Formation courses on a diverse range of skills: communication, risk management, teamwork and events safety. What is more, I have completed the official Community of Madrid voluntary course
Inglés - C1 alto
Español - Nativo