Junior embedded software engineer

Kar*** ***** (XX años)
Master’s Thesis Internship en B105 Electronic Systems Lab
Master’s Thesis Internship
B105 Electronic Systems Lab
oct 2019 - Actualmente
The aim of my MT was to design and develop a electronic system to monitor continuously and no invasive therapy dogs in order to determine the effects of the Animal-Assisted-Therapies on dog’s welfare. To achieve this goal, firstly an interdisciplinary work was needed to determine the functional requirements of the system. Then the design and hardware implementation of the wearable electronic device using Altium Designer was carried out. In parallel, I worked on the drivers and user application software implementation using FreeRTOS and FatFS middle-ware integrated in the STMCube ecosystem.
Research project
Embedded Systems Lab, EPFL
feb 2019 - jun 2019
Continuous monitoring of human's affective state in a real-time scenario is a challenging task that involves physiological data collection, pre-processing, feature extraction and classification. The Embedded Systems Laboratory (ESL) designed a wearable device aimed to collect real-time multi-sensor vital signs data, process them, extract and transmit physiological features via a Bluetooth Low Energy to a portable device to detect behavioral patterns.

My work consisted in implementing part of the firmware that would allow the closest real-time acquisition of different parameters for subsequent processing. Moreover, some algorithms were adapted to the embedded platform MCU. The tools used were: Keil IDE to program the ARM-Cortex M3 MCU and the nRF connect platform to work with the BLE module.
Research Fellowship
B105 Electronic Systems Lab
oct 2017 - jul 2018
The objective of the project was to develop a prototype system for the characterization and prevention of physical fatigue and distraction in
personnel in charge of machinery or vehicles. I worked on adapting a Python algorithm that using OpeCV library applied facial and eye
recognition to the images captured by a high resolution video camera. Moreover, I ported to Python a Matlab algorithm that classiffies different brain waives provided by an ECG sensor via BLE. Both algorithms run on Raspberry Pi model 3.
Software Test Developer
Radiation Group ETSIT UPM
jun 2017 - ago 2017
Using the MPLAB IDE I designed and implemented several test benches to validate the operation of nodes aimed to be used in a bus air conditioning system.
MSc Electrical and Electronics Engineering
oct 2018 - jun 2019

MSc Telecommunication Engineering
oct 2017 - Actualmente

BSc Telecommunication Technologies and Services Engineering
oct 2013 - jul 2017

Spanish - Mother-tongue
English - B2
French - A2