CV User experience


Designer, service designer, user experience designer, creative designe...

Barcelona - Barcelona Product designer intern xinxiao tech i used user interview, user diary, persona, user journey map, and other methods to conduct product tests and provided suggestions... CVs similares user experience:
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Product manager, r&d, user experience researcher

Barcelona - Barcelona user experience...  speaker at conferences and workshops...  written and oral communication... research assistant - internship 4m neurorehabilitation lab, university... CVs similares user experience:
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User interface design | fluid ui | ui design mobile | beautifull apps

Granada - Granada I'm happy about that because was my first experience... i remember that they given me a pdf document and i done custom caracters, the user interface, user experience... CVs similares user experience:
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Sap consultant

Madrid - Madrid Working experience in solution manager... ● user creation and modification... working experience in sap grc 10... ● termination control for user ids...
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Diseño estratégico y experiencia de usuario

Valdemorillo - Madrid user research and user test design and facilitation... digital transformation, user experience design and team management for orange spain (1 year)...
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Director financiero

Madrid - Madrid user *a3- software +1 years of experience... +15 years of experience... 1 years of experience... 2 years of experience... 4 years of experience...
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Product manager/ product owner

Barcelona - Barcelona • ux: user research, user flows, wireframes, etc... "new product" team - product strategy e-180 (startup) worked on product strategy & design of the mvp for the...
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Todo relacionado a tecnologías e innovación

out X, scrum, user experience project, power bi, linux centos, mysql, sqlserver, postgresql, user experience, eclipse, net beans, java, php, jquery...
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Ingeniero de proyectos

Madrid experience summary... professional experience... • carrier's hap (hourly analysis program) thermal loads calculation program user... • windows (microsoft word, microsoft...
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Madrid - Madrid Proficient user proficient user independent user basic user independent user... levels: a1 and a2: basic user - b1 and b2: independent user - c1 and c2: proficient...
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Product designer

Madrid - Madrid Created user flows that convert... uk web user including the addition of animated elements... based visual designs on analytics research to improve on previous campaigns...
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Product owner

Barcelona - Barcelona Write user stories... prepare and develop the project sitemap, vision, road map, and user stories... and other business user requirements, as dictated by clients...
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Ux / cx

Madrid - Madrid • conducted interviews, workshops and user testing... designed and improved user and customer experience for clients including accenture, amadeus and the madrid...
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Bussines analyst

Madrid - Madrid Analysis of front-end screens to improve the user experience in the user interface... andbank private bankers - capital markets user interface development...
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Estrategia digital, cro, product owner, product manager

Madrid - Madrid Digital skills: user experience (accenture) ... as an experience optimization consultant i am in charge of... ) generating millions in revenue and improving conversion...
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Cargo con responsabilidad

Colmenar Viejo - Madrid Rhinoceros: advanced user... freehand: advanced user... corel draw: advanced user... courses and field experience... sigma plot: advanced user...
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Ux/ui designer

Madrid - Madrid Ux/ui designer dm dima user experience (ux) user interface design (ui)... a two years full-time course specialized in user experience (ux) and interface design...
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Ui/ux designer (english)

Barcelona - Barcelona • optimized the user interfaces, based on competitive benchmarking, ab & multivariate testing through the company's ai, data analysis, and user experience research...
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Customer service manager

Madrid - Madrid Work experience... business transformation consultant (es & pt) customer experience approach... it services professional with extensive experience in several it...
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Architect or interior designer

Barcelona - Barcelona Pre-doctoral training at the department de teoria i història de l’arquitectura i tècniques de comunicació (thatc) escola tècnica superior d’arquitectura de barcelona...
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