Traductor freelance

Rey*** ***** (XX años)
Traductor Creador de contenido en The translator's corner
Traductor Creador de contenido
The translator's corner
ene 2019 - Actualmente
Traducir documentos, contratos, CVs y contenido para los clientes
Ingles - C2
Otros datos

Freelance translator and writer.

Personal Summary
A writer and translator with a passion for writing and translating good topics who is a wordsmith and has an ability of translating and writing literary composition, articles, and text aimed at a specific target audience. He has translated documents, CV and contracts for circus artists. He dives into the writing process and polishes each article with proper grammar and appropriate style. He is able to work with clients and others writers so that find a way to resolve their needs. He is looking for a new job with more responsibility. He never gives up.
1	Confident and skilled in writing about suggested topics
1	Initiative and ability to take responsibility, make decisions and achieve good results shown in current work. 
2	Pays attention to detail 
3	Building up contacts in the field I write for
4	Able to work from home and produce content on a regular basis
5	Ability to give and receive constructive feedback.
6	Strong eye for information structure
7	High level of verbal, understanding and writing communication skill in Spanish (native) and fluent English (2nd language)
1	Able to fit writing responsibilities around my other employment commitments
2	Not afraid to write about unpopular topics

Area of Expertise
Religious devotional writing articles
Documents to Translate

Work Experience
Freelance Writer and Translator 
Start date: present

Education and Qualifications
High-school graduate, IPVC Carl Marx in Matanzas, Cuba 2006-2009
Pedagogical Languages University of Matanzas  

Personal Information
1	Status: Married with 1 child
2	Hobbies: cooking and guitar